Monday, July 16, 2007

We're ready to go!!

Dear Fowler family,

Just a quick note. I talked to Debbie and got some ideas about what to plan in the way of food. At our family vacation at Tahoo we had real success in sharing the responsibilites. Each family took charge of a meal. With that in mind, I "dug up" some of the recipes. For instance, I have a recipe for a delicious scrambled egg mix. Each person puts their favorite ingredients in a plastic ziplock bag with their name on it in indellible ink. (Ingredients such as one or two eggs, diced cheese, chopped onion, bacon etc.) The plastic bags with all the ingredients is placed in a sealed plastic bag in a pot of boiling water for 15 minutes. I'll bring along plastic bags, indellible ink pen, etc. and plan to "do" breakfast one day. I also have a great spinach salad to share.

We're looking forward to a great time. Love, Phyllis Anne


Debra Parrott said...

Good job Phyllis!
I have a great breakfast plan also. How about waffles? I'll bring everything.

Bill and Phyllis Fowler said...

I read over my "blog"; and it reads as if you use two plastic bags. Not so! You put all ingredients in one plastic bag, seal it, and place in boiling water.
Bill and I are all packed ready to go. (lNot too anxious, are we). Anyway, now I can spend the day at my church "Circle" meeting. Bill can go do his "facility" job at Church. See you soon. Love, Phylllis A.