Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hi All,

It has been a busy couple of days at our house. On Thursday I brought our 4 and 5 year old grandchildren home for a visit. They love coming to Grandma & Grandpa Jack's. Alex, the 4-yr-old loves the mules Buddy & Baby and they both love just running around here. I took them to Lake Alma yesterday (do the Taylors remember being there?) and they loved playing on the beach and in the water. Their mommy and daddy picked up a very tired pair yesterday evening, and Grandma was so tired she slept in till 9:00 this morning.

Jack has been busy with his latest project (I call it his "fun car"). He took a sawzall and cut down a 1984 S-10 Blazer, customized it, painted it fire-engine red and is having a ball working on it. I will try to send a picture of it with my next entry. He wants to wash it up before I take more pictures.
Deb, I recognize the picture of you and Marty taken when we were all at your place. So much fun that day! Hope you all have a good time at your get-together later this month, and keep us in your prayers.

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