Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Loved ones:
Howdy one and all from the Bubba brothers. Just wanted to check in and let you know that I am monitoring your blogs, so watch out what you say. I have been known to tickle my cousins til they laugh out loud. I just may have a couple of stories of my own you know. If you are wondering which one is Rick, I am the handsome one that looks like he just stepped out of GQ magazine (Gates Quarterly). Marty is the Cool Dude with the orange hat and the snuff in his mouth. Yep, every time he starts to talk, I tell him to be quiet, thatsnuff outta him. We were just sitting on the deck shooting skeeters off the hummingbirds. Scared the hummingbirds so bad they forgot the words to their songs. Gotta go fer now. 10 - 4, and have a good'n and we'll check you out soon, good Buddies.
Love to All, Rick and Marty

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