Monday, July 9, 2007

Hi all,
Mom asked me to post some email correspondence she's having with Teresa (vacationing in Ireland). Here it is!

Begin forwarded message:
Thought you would be interested in the "globetrotters" whereabouts. Elizabeth, how about putting this on our family "Blog".
We're headed for the zoo. And will be at the Taylors later today. Luv, Mom

From: "teresa collins" Date: July 9, 2007 8:23:34 AM PDT
To: "Phyllis Fowler"

Hello again from Kinsale - we did the "RICK STEVES" day in Kinsale - the walking tour was very interesting and Charles Fort is huge - a little rain but we stayed dry in the tearoom having sandwiches. tommorrow we go to Kenmare by way of the ring or kerry and Garinish Island - it has a beautiful garden - we are making great use of our Heritage Cards.

for William - the food here is a little different - but the french fries are pretty good - I'll have some for dinner tonight and think of you.
We love you and miss you,
Mom and Dad

On 7/8/07, Phyllis Fowler wrote:
Begin forwarded message:

Hi, So good to be able to "keep in touch". We have really kept William "on the go". Tomorrow we are going to the Wild Animal Park on the way to the Taylor's. (He will be with the Taylors until July 17th. Then he will go to Jeff and Jenny's. We're keeping a picture diary of all his activities. I'll let him dictate a message to you.

Hi Mom and Dad. It's me --William. How are you doing in Ireland? I hope you are having fun. Write back when you can. Bye, William. P.S. I love you.

From: "teresa collins"
Date: July 8, 2007 11:32:02 AM PDT
Subject: We're in Kinsale

We've had great luck with our B&B hosts - they've treated us like family. We have a mobile phone - you can call us for any emergency - or if William wants to talk a little. can't wait to see your pics - we're taking lots of pics as we both carry a digital camera - had a wonderful meal in a pub in Kinsale tonight - might take the "Ghost Tour" if we can stay awakie long enough.
Love and hugs

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