Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Busy times...

A lot has happened in the last couple weeks! I am most thankful that my husband Dave is doing alright...on 7/11 he was in a pretty awful accident! He was on his way to see his grandmother in Mishawaka (all the way down in IN!) (for those of you far away this is a little joke because I have been teased pretty badly about moving ALL the way to Michigan, however my house is actually less than 10 minutes from the border...) Anywho...he was taking his turn crossing the intersection and he looked over to see that a woman coming towards him wasn't slowing down. She hit his driver side door going 55 MPH. God surely wrapped his hand around Dave because although the truck was totalled Dave is sore but has no broken bones! Praise God!! The other lady was alright too! The bigger part of the tragedy was that Dave was test driving a vehicle he had fixed for a neighbor of ours--good news: Harold gets a new truck. Bad news: It was running perfectly when it got hit!

The other big news is that my 'baby' turned 12 and has begun that 'wonderful' ascent to teen years. I am not very ready for this.

Well, work starts early and ends late so I will sign off now. I have been enjoying reading all of your notes!

Love to all,

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