Thursday, July 26, 2007

Jack's doing great!

Hi all,

Just want you to know Jack is doing great following his procedure. He had a total of 115 radiation seeds implanted in his prostrate, but is up and about today and doing well. He told me before the procedure that after all the needles in his crotch he might be a little crotchity, and I said "more than usual?" So as you can see he is still as witty as ever.
Sorry we missed the "Fowler Weekend", but we are looking forward to the next get-together. Hope you all had a great time, and am looking forward to seeing pictures on the blog.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Hi Jack and Jean:
Thanks for the update. I'm sure all the prayers in Jack's behalf for his treatment and continued recovery are being heard by our Heavenly Father. It's nice to see that Jack's humor didn't get "treated" as well. I hope this finds you doing well also.

Love, Rick, Julie and Sarah