Monday, September 8, 2008

Farewell Otto Stana

December 7, 1921 --- September 3, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Reunion 2008

Here are a couple of shots from Reunion 2008.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thank you Susan and Marty!

The reunion was so much fun. Deb wins the "Life of the Party" award! I can't wait until next year! Here's a link to the photos I took.



Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well Hello to all!
I'm home and on the mend. For those of you hadn't heard, I had a hysterectomy and some hand surgery done simultaneously on Tues. May 20th. It sure feels like that was more than just a week ago. Time passes slowly when you're down. (Right Bill? I heard it's gallbladder for you.)
I feel like the entire surgical team must have played air hockey while they were in there. (and I don't thimk the home team won!) I'm really glad to have this over with in time to make the reunion. Our tickets are payed for and we're very much looking forward to it! Par-tay!!
Love to all,

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another Proud Papa...Soon to be again!!!

Autumn and I love our little kiddo's (Rebecka Joy & Andrew Levi), but soon we will be welcoming kiddo number 3 to our family. Autumn is expecting and we are looking at a December 12-19th due date. We have not had our first Dr. apt yet so we don't know for sure, and she is about 11 weeks along, much to early to know if it's a boy or a girl. Right now we don't have much of a preference either way.

Lot's of people want to know if it was planned, and this is our response; many years ago Autumn and I prayed and gave it to God, from that point we neither planned nor didn't plan our family, we just believed that God would bless us when we were ready. It does seem to be good timing and we are definitely looking forward to the new addition. Many people also want to know if we are done or not...probably not. Autumn and I will probably like to have 4 kiddo's, so...there you go. Everything you wanted to know, and some you didn't. :) LOL

Matthew Parrott

One proud Papa

Hello everybody:
I would like to announce that Miss Sarah Elizabeth Gates has received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Her Majors were Education and Music and her minors were English and Literature. She graduated Magna Cum Laude (3.8 acc. GPA), with All College Honors. Sarah hopes to teach this fall as an Elementary School teacher. Her student teaching was for fifth graders at two different schools. We are very proud of her accomplishments and wanted to share this announcement with all of you.

Rick and Julie Gates

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Love to you..........

Hello to everyone:
As many of you know, a couple years ago Dale and I moved his mother and step-dad in across the street so that I could become a more active care giver. They have both been handicapped for quite some time now. Well, this past Wed. (April 30th) my father-in-law passed away. I truly loved this man, and had many laughs with him over the years. I'll miss him dearly.
I tell you this because it brought to mind (as death always does) how little time we have together. I have no regrets for my time with him because we spent it together while we had the oppurtunity. His passing and all the emotions that go along with that have made me miss you all very much. I am SO looking forward to our reunion, and am dismayed that not everyone will be joining us. I realize the effort it takes to make the trip, but oh how worth it it is! I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fowler 2008 Reunion

Hi everybody,

Can you believe how fast this year is going?? It's only 3 months away until our 2008 Fowler Reunion. Now is the time to let me know of your travel plans (if you haven't already). What day/time are you arriving and do you need transportation from the airport/train station?? I'm so excited to have you all here. I have a few people who can only be here part of the week and they want to know what part of the week to make their plans for. So please give me a call or send me a email to let me know how long you'll be here (all week, only a few days??, etc.) I will be contacting Aunt Phyllis so we can decide what days we will get together in Tahoe and Pollock Pines. Hope everybody is doing well. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Love Susan...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just another quick note to my family. Julie's Mom, Alice Ruesch passed away Monday, March 10th after a short illness. Alice was 93 years old, but was still living independantly until the first part of February this year. Julie had spent the last several years looking in on her mom, taking her shopping, to the hairdresser, out for groceries. We had dinner together every Sunday. She will be greatly missed in our family. Remember us in your thoughts and prayers.

Rick, Julie and Sarah Gates

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hey everybody:
Just a quick note to thank you all for your prayers. I had successful surgery on Wednesday the 5th and came home the next evening. I am doing fine and look forward to what I hope is a quick recovery. Hugs and kisses to one and all.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Baby News!!

Jason and Brooke had a baby boy, Cory Alexander on Jan. 14, weighting in at 7lbs. 5ozs. Mom and baby are doing well and Jason is a new proud DADDY! This is the first grandbaby for Jack and I and the first Greatgrandbaby for my Mom. She is so excited!! I will need to post pics later of the family. Can't wait to see everyone at the Reunion!!! Love, Kathy

Friday, February 15, 2008



Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

Sad news.........

Uncle Bill called me this evening. He and Aunt Phyllis went to Glenns apartment today and found him dead from heart failure. He was only 52. Bill asked that we all pray for their family during this difficult time.

This has been a tough day. Bills call came not long after a call from Dales family saying that his 48 yr. old cousin Jean Marie died today.

Lets all pray for peace of heart for our loved ones.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Beautiful Babies!

This was taken between Christmas and New Years. It was the first time for all 4 of our Grandbabies to be together. It was pure joy with lots of giggles and happiness! They were at an indoor pool. From left is Rebecka Joy Parrott (aka Becka) 3 , Cora Dale Metzger 2 , Andrew Levi Parrott (aka Drew) 1 , and Alexis Joy Parrott (aka Allie) 1 . Matt and Autumn are the parents of Becka and Drew, Matt and Dana are the parents of Cora, and Justin and Lisa (of Texas) are the parents of Allie. We are SO blessed I just had to share this with you.
Love to all.........

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Reunion plans

Hi, I should have mentioned in my last email that there will probably be 10 or more of us staying at Zepher Point. We will devide our time between the cabin and Pollock Pines. There is a lot to do at Zepher Point: There is a lake to swim in and nice hiking trails. And, of course it's close to the action at Lake Tahoe. We're looking forward to the reunion. Hope you all are too.
Love, Phyllis A.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

News from Illinois

Hello Everybody:

Here's wishing each of you all the best in 2008. The holidays were a wonderful time. We had a chance to see some of my brothers and sisters in Hoosierland. Sue put us up at her house. We visited at Deb's and got to see Justin and Lisa's new baby. Then on to Larry's to go four-wheelin' in the snow. Saw three white tails that day. Two deer, and one riding behind Larry going over the hill down by the river.

Julie takes care of her mom, and manages the kitchen at our church. Sarah graduates from Carhage College this spring with a double major. One in Elementary Ed. and one in Church Music. She starts student teaching in a few weeks and should be teaching this fall.

I am still working lots of hours, and am glad the sale of Abbott Diagnostics to GE didn't work out. There is some other news I want to share with you. I found out Jan. 17th that I have prostate cancer. It was caught early, so with prompt and proper treatment, all should work out fine. I spoke with both Carl and Jack tonight for some uncle style advice. E-mail me if you have any questions. I am quickly becoming a research pro.

That's it for now. Keep the news coming. You are all in my prayers.

Love, Rick, Julie, and Sarah Gates

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Hi all,

I haven't checked our Fowler Clan blog for many months. Hope you all get in on the action again in 2008. It's nice to get the news from all of you.

We are all fine here. We had a wonderful Christmas gathering with the whole family. We took lots of pictures because it's so diffficult to get everyone together.

Speaking of all getting together... we are really excited about next summer's reunion. Keep us posted on all the latest plans. I hope we have a good turnout. We sure picked a great place. Tahoe is one of our favorite vacation places.

I'm typing this upstairs and Bill is watching the Charger game downstairs. The neighbors are having a big "Game Day" party. I can tell the by all the noise that the Chargers are ahead. Guess I'll join Bill for the last 15 minutes of the game.

Hoping to hear the latest with all of you.....Love, Phyllis A

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Fowler Reunion July 2008

Hey everyone...hope you all had a great Christmas and hope the New Year is going well...Speaking of the new is now January 9th and the July reunion will be here before we know it. As I am this year's planner I need to get confirmation from everybody who plans on attending and even those who can't. I am starting a list of who will be here. Here is a preliminary of who will be here so far:

Bill and Phyllis Fowler (staying in Tahoe)
Elizabeth Fowler
Carl and Mary Fowler
JoAnn Fowler
Kathy and Jack Keylon
Marty and Susan Keylon (your hosts)
Jennifer Goeglein
Dale and Deb Parrott
-------------that's all that has confirmed so far...

I need emails from the rest of you (and you know who you are)....and How many in your family will be here. It will be first come, first serve for rooms at the Pollock Pines Keylon Family Inn. I hope to by Feb 15th have a count of who can make it. We hope to see you all. If you want any more information please email me or call. Love to you all..

Phone: 530-644-6561