Tuesday, January 22, 2008

News from Illinois

Hello Everybody:

Here's wishing each of you all the best in 2008. The holidays were a wonderful time. We had a chance to see some of my brothers and sisters in Hoosierland. Sue put us up at her house. We visited at Deb's and got to see Justin and Lisa's new baby. Then on to Larry's to go four-wheelin' in the snow. Saw three white tails that day. Two deer, and one riding behind Larry going over the hill down by the river.

Julie takes care of her mom, and manages the kitchen at our church. Sarah graduates from Carhage College this spring with a double major. One in Elementary Ed. and one in Church Music. She starts student teaching in a few weeks and should be teaching this fall.

I am still working lots of hours, and am glad the sale of Abbott Diagnostics to GE didn't work out. There is some other news I want to share with you. I found out Jan. 17th that I have prostate cancer. It was caught early, so with prompt and proper treatment, all should work out fine. I spoke with both Carl and Jack tonight for some uncle style advice. E-mail me if you have any questions. I am quickly becoming a research pro.

That's it for now. Keep the news coming. You are all in my prayers.

Love, Rick, Julie, and Sarah Gates


Dana said...

we'll be praying for you.

Jean Radder said...
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Jean Radder said...

I'm praying for you. Love you cousin.