Sunday, May 4, 2008

Love to you..........

Hello to everyone:
As many of you know, a couple years ago Dale and I moved his mother and step-dad in across the street so that I could become a more active care giver. They have both been handicapped for quite some time now. Well, this past Wed. (April 30th) my father-in-law passed away. I truly loved this man, and had many laughs with him over the years. I'll miss him dearly.
I tell you this because it brought to mind (as death always does) how little time we have together. I have no regrets for my time with him because we spent it together while we had the oppurtunity. His passing and all the emotions that go along with that have made me miss you all very much. I am SO looking forward to our reunion, and am dismayed that not everyone will be joining us. I realize the effort it takes to make the trip, but oh how worth it it is! I can't wait!!!

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