Saturday, September 22, 2007

Reuben W Fowler

Here is a little more on Reuben Fowler that some of you might be interested in.
Death is unexpected. The grim monster appears at an unexpected moment. Mr. Reuben Fowler, a well to do farmer, of near Glennmore, died very suddenly, Saturday, at Dull. Mr. Fowler started from home Saturday morning in good health, with a wagon load of corn, which he took to the Dull warehouse, and unloaded. After unloading the corn he drove into the scale platform and had his wagon weighed. He then started for the store intending to draw his money for the corn, but he had not driven very far when he was seen by Jacob Wittung to fall back in his wagon box. The team started to run, but was caught by Mr. Wittung, who found Mr. Fowler dead in his wagon. The remains were laid to rest in the Greenbrier cemetery, Monday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Reber, pastor of the radical U.B. church. The deceased was 66 years, 11 months and 11days old, and leaves a wife and six children to mourn their loss. (5/24/85)

Reuben W Fowler was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, June 7, 1829, and died at Dull Town, Van Wert county, Ohio, May 18, 1895, aged 65 years, 11 months and 11 days. Deceased was the oldest son of a family of eight children, five of whom preceded him to the world beyond. Deceased was united in marriage with Evaline Byerly, in the year 1854. In the fall of 1854 he, with his wife, moved to Van Wert county Ohio, which they made their home with the exception of nine years that they lived in Indiana. In the thirty-two years of his life in Van Wert county, he gained the confidence and friendship of all whom he became acquainted with, which was only demonstrated by the large procession that followed him to his last resting place. The wife has lost a good and faithful husband, the children a kind and affectionate father; the community a useful and most respected citizen. may He who is the source of all comfort, bind up the broken hearted, comfort the sorrowing, guide them by His council and afterward bring them to Himself in glory. Funeral service were conducted by the writer and assisted by Rev. J. Freeman, of Zanesville, Ind. (5/24/1895)

Unknown what newspaper these obits are from. They were typed from photocopies of the originals by Phyllis Gates November 1999

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