Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well Hello to all!
I'm home and on the mend. For those of you hadn't heard, I had a hysterectomy and some hand surgery done simultaneously on Tues. May 20th. It sure feels like that was more than just a week ago. Time passes slowly when you're down. (Right Bill? I heard it's gallbladder for you.)
I feel like the entire surgical team must have played air hockey while they were in there. (and I don't thimk the home team won!) I'm really glad to have this over with in time to make the reunion. Our tickets are payed for and we're very much looking forward to it! Par-tay!!
Love to all,

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another Proud Papa...Soon to be again!!!

Autumn and I love our little kiddo's (Rebecka Joy & Andrew Levi), but soon we will be welcoming kiddo number 3 to our family. Autumn is expecting and we are looking at a December 12-19th due date. We have not had our first Dr. apt yet so we don't know for sure, and she is about 11 weeks along, much to early to know if it's a boy or a girl. Right now we don't have much of a preference either way.

Lot's of people want to know if it was planned, and this is our response; many years ago Autumn and I prayed and gave it to God, from that point we neither planned nor didn't plan our family, we just believed that God would bless us when we were ready. It does seem to be good timing and we are definitely looking forward to the new addition. Many people also want to know if we are done or not...probably not. Autumn and I will probably like to have 4 kiddo's, so...there you go. Everything you wanted to know, and some you didn't. :) LOL

Matthew Parrott

One proud Papa

Hello everybody:
I would like to announce that Miss Sarah Elizabeth Gates has received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Her Majors were Education and Music and her minors were English and Literature. She graduated Magna Cum Laude (3.8 acc. GPA), with All College Honors. Sarah hopes to teach this fall as an Elementary School teacher. Her student teaching was for fifth graders at two different schools. We are very proud of her accomplishments and wanted to share this announcement with all of you.

Rick and Julie Gates

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Love to you..........

Hello to everyone:
As many of you know, a couple years ago Dale and I moved his mother and step-dad in across the street so that I could become a more active care giver. They have both been handicapped for quite some time now. Well, this past Wed. (April 30th) my father-in-law passed away. I truly loved this man, and had many laughs with him over the years. I'll miss him dearly.
I tell you this because it brought to mind (as death always does) how little time we have together. I have no regrets for my time with him because we spent it together while we had the oppurtunity. His passing and all the emotions that go along with that have made me miss you all very much. I am SO looking forward to our reunion, and am dismayed that not everyone will be joining us. I realize the effort it takes to make the trip, but oh how worth it it is! I can't wait!!!