Sunday, August 19, 2007

Checking in...

Hi All,

School in Elkhart has started and although I thought things would slow up apparently I was wrong! ha-ha

All 13,000 plus Elkhart cherubs returned and boy it's keeping me hopping! I am thankful for the year to start though. Most likely I am one of the few people who hope summer ends and Christmas break gets here fast! (For those of you who don't know what I do I am the textbook coordinator for my district, which is a fancy way of saying I make sure all the students and teachers have all the books needed for the upcoming year...)

Dave is doing good--he has been enjoying the barn he built very much and already it is filling up with 'opportunities and projects' which of course I would most likely call 'stuff/junk', but beauty is of course in the eye of the beholder! It really is odd though how many men agree with Dave and how many women have great empathy and sympathy for me! Ha-Ha

David continues to have a good summer. In Michigan the kids go back to school in Sept. so he is still enjoying his break. He is not looking forward to going to Middle School but I assured him that after he gets used to it he will be fine. Of course, I would be happy if he just stayed my 'little boy' but sadly, it just doesn't go that way does it? He turned 12 this summer and I am amazed at the changes in him just this year!

I really enjoyed seeing all the pictures Dale added of the reunion! It looked like a lot of fun--perhaps Debi will invite me or let me go next year....JUST KIDDING DEB! :)

Love to all--


Debra Parrott said...

That's two strikes now....
Three times and you're out!
(just kidding Rhonda...Ha ha.)

Man-o-man...WHY did U resend that invitation???

(because I love you?)

Rhonda said...

awww, you know you're my favorite!!

love you :)