Friday, October 26, 2007

Checking in . . .

Wow - over 600 hits. Wouldn't it be great if there were 600 entries? With that in mind, I'll add a few words.
Happy Birthday, Uncle Jack! Today is Glen's birthday.
We just unpacked and moved back in after the evacuation. Just set up the computer. My good china is still chilling in the pool. Isn't that a great idea? There's a layer of black soot on everything. We have to boil our water and wear masks. Fires are still threatening homes in De Luz, the community next to us. (I live in Fallbrook). But things could be much worse. Over 200 homes were lost in my town, and I haven't heard whose or where yet.
Thank you for your prayers.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

We're ok!! P.T.L

Just a quick note. We're all ok. Our neighborhood in La Mesa hasn't been affected. The Taylors had a scare; but things look good now. They were told to evacuate; and Elizabeth took the boys to a friend's house up the coast. But Dave stayed and kept the place "watered down". The boys are still with friends; but Elizabeth returned to help Dave. (Most of the neighbors did the same.) Jeff and Jenny's house was "in the path"; but so far haven't been told to evacuate. The news looks better today. Keep praying.

Love, Phyllis A.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hello everybody:
Just a reminder to keep our Southern California family members in your prayers for their continued safety and well being. The wilfires are truly devastating and it is hard to predict how much will be consumed before they are put out or burn out. And remember also those who are not family, but have lost so much.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Hello from Ohio

Hi, All,
We are doing well. Jack celebrated his 70th birthday on 10-2. He is another year older, but thank God, not deeper in debt! (remember the song "16Tons"?) He is almost completely recovered from his procedure. He goes back to the Dr. again on Nov 9th and will have a PSA test the prior week, so we will know then how much progress the radiation seeds have made against the prostrate cancer. We are expecting a good report!
The leaves are turning and falling, and Jack's latest project is building a tree stand where he can watch the wildlife in our woods and take pictures. That's the kind of hunting he enjoys. I am happy to see him doing so well and working on "projects" again. For a few weeks he didn't feel like doing much, but we praise the Lord for his progress.
Keep in touch - love to all,